Gifts for Kids: Clothes

Moms appreciate clothes gifted to their kids. But do kids appreciate them? Kids want gifts they can have fun with right away and clothes are no fun. It's a necessity that mom will make sure to buy anyway, it's not something to dream about or ask Santa for. That's the bare truth! Still, clothes are on our non-toy gift list only because we know a couple of tricks to make clothes look like fun presents.
When my youngest turned one I asked our friends for no toys and directed them towards practical stuff like clothes. When  children are one, they don't know what gifts are all about and you can decide for them. The second birthday is pretty much the same but by three they get the idea that gifts are meant to be exciting. If not, you'll see disappointment on their face when opening the presents and no parent wants to see this.
Thankfully, there are a couple of tricks you can use when gifting clothes and I'm gonna share them with you:
1. Presentation matters. Create a cool and original way of wrapping the clothes, like a big tissue paper flower:

2. Add a fun factor. Throw in something extra, like a bracelet and necklace for a chic little lady or a small bath toy for a one-year old boy.

What woman doesn't love jewelry? Little girls are no different! What little boy will say no to a small train or car to push around? None! (ok, I know our blog's name is "Non-Toy Gifts" but we never said to be against toys, just trying to maintain a balance between the two).
These tricks are not meant to distract from the main gift but create a wow factor. The clothes will be appreciated next day or whenever kids get a chance of trying them on and admiring themselves in a mirror.
Clothes are a nice alternative to toys. You may consider adding them to your list of non-toy gift ideas.
